
Medical evacuation and repatriation insurance for international students

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May 08, 2024 (UTC +04:00)

Whether you are studying on an F1 visa or traveling for short-term academic purposes, understanding medical evacuation and repatriation insurance for international students is key. In this article, we will explore the importance of this insurance, focusing on the best options available and the associated costs, ensuring you make an informed decision to protect your health and well-being while studying overseas.

Travel insurance protect your health and well-being while studying overseas

Travel insurance protect your health and well-being while studying overseas

1. What is Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Insurance?

Medical evacuation and repatriation insurance for international students is designed to cover the costs of transporting a student to an appropriate medical facility in the event of a medical emergency, and repatriating the student to their home country if necessary. This type of insurance is essential for international students as it ensures they have access to immediate and adequate medical care, no matter where they are in the world.

Here's what typically falls under the coverage of Medical Evacuation and Repatriation insurance:

Medical Evacuation

  • Emergency Medical Transportation: This covers the costs of transporting you to the nearest hospital or medical facility capable of providing adequate care in the event of a serious illness or injury. It includes ambulance services, air ambulances, and medically equipped flights.
  • Transfer to a Better Facility: If the nearest local medical facility is not equipped to provide the necessary treatment, medical evacuation coverage can also include the costs of transporting you to a better-equipped facility, possibly in another country.
  • Travel Expenses for Family Members: Depending on the policy, it may cover the travel expenses for a family member to be with you if you are hospitalized in a foreign country.

Medical Evacuation coverage can also include the costs of transporting you to a better-equipped facility

Medical Evacuation coverage can also include the costs of transporting you to a better-equipped facility


  • Return of Mortal Remains: In the unfortunate event of death, repatriation coverage includes the expenses involved in preparing and transporting the deceased's remains back to their home country.
  • Return of Minor Children: If the insured is hospitalized and minor children are left unattended abroad, the insurance may cover the costs of returning the children to their home country.
  • Repatriation of the Insured: For non-fatal emergencies, if it's medically necessary for you to return to your home country for treatment or recovery, repatriation coverage can include these costs as well.

2. Why is medical evacuation and repatriation insurance for international students important? 

For international students, the excitement of studying abroad comes with the responsibility of ensuring their safety in a foreign country. Medical emergencies can happen unexpectedly, and the high cost of healthcare abroad can be overwhelming. Medical evacuation and repatriation insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that in the event of a serious health issue, financial barriers won't prevent access to necessary medical care or returning home for treatment.

3. Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Insurance F1 Visa Holders

F1 visa holders, in particular, should be aware of the requirements and benefits of securing medical evacuation and repatriation insurance. Many educational institutions in the United States require international students to have a comprehensive health insurance plan that includes medical evacuation and repatriation coverage. This ensures that students on an F1 visa are fully protected throughout their academic tenure.

Many educational institutions require international students to have a comprehensive health insurance

Many educational institutions require international students to have a comprehensive health insurance

Selecting the Best Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Insurance
When searching for the best medical evacuation and repatriation insurance, international students should consider several factors:

  • Coverage limits: Ensure the policy offers sufficient coverage for both medical evacuation and repatriation costs.
  • Global network: Look for insurance providers with a wide network of medical facilities and assistance services worldwide.
  • Customer support: Choose a company that offers 24/7 customer support to assist in the event of an emergency.
  • Exclusions and limitations: Read the fine print to understand what is and isn’t covered under the policy.

4. Travel Insurance with Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation

In addition to dedicated medical evacuation and repatriation insurance, some travel insurance policies offer emergency evacuation and repatriation as part of their coverage. This can be a suitable option for students who are traveling for a short period or need comprehensive protection that includes other travel-related incidents.

Travel insurance policies that include emergency evacuation and repatriation coverage, such as the Patriot Exchange Program, provide a comprehensive safety net for individuals studying or traveling abroad. This kind of coverage is particularly suitable for students who are traveling for shorter periods or those who require a wide range of protection against various travel-related incidents, in addition to health emergencies.

Some travel insurance policies include coverage for emergency evacuation and repatriation.

Some travel insurance policies include coverage for emergency evacuation and repatriation.

The Patriot Exchange Program is an example of such a policy, offering significant benefits in the areas of emergency medical evacuation and repatriation for medical treatment. Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits and their limits:

  • Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage: This benefit is capped at a maximum limit of $50,000. It is designed to cover the costs associated with transporting the insured to the nearest medical facility capable of providing adequate care in the event of a severe illness or injury. This ensures that logistical and financial challenges do not hinder access to necessary medical services.
  • Repatriation for Medical Treatment: Also with a maximum limit of $50,000, this coverage facilitates and finances the insured's return to their home country for continued treatment. This benefit is invaluable for students studying abroad, as it provides a means for them to return home for ongoing care and recovery in more familiar surroundings.

Patriot Exchange ProgramSM


Maximum Limit


Medical Expenses

In-Network: 90%

Out-of-Network: 80%

International: 100%

Covid-19 Medical Expenses

Covered and treated as any other Sickness

Student Health Center

Copayment per visit: $5

Emergency Medical Evacuation

$50,000 maximum limit

Emergency Reunion

Up to US$ 15,000 for a max of 15 days

Political Evacuation and Repatriation

$10,000 maximum limit

Repatriation for Medical Treatment

$100,000 maximum limit

Incidental Trip

Maximum 14days


In-Network: 90%

Out-of-Network: 80%

International: 100%

24-Hour Accidental Death and Dismemberment

US$ 25,000

Another travel insurance plan specifically designed for international students with Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation coverage similar to the Patriot Exchange Program is the Patriot Travel Series. These plans typically offer higher insurance benefits for Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation compared to the Patriot Exchange ProgramSM. For instance, the Patriot Travel Series may provide Emergency Medical Evacuation coverage of up to $8,000,000 and Political Evacuation and Repatriation coverage of up to $100,000.

Patriot Travel Series


Patriot America® Plus

Patriot Lite Travel Medical InsuranceSM

Patriot Platinum Travel Medical InsuranceSM


Maximum Limit

Up to $1,000,000

Up to $1,000,000

Up to $8,000,000

Medical Expenses

Up to the maximum limit

Up to the maximum limit

Up to the maximum limit

Covid-19 Medical Expenses

Covered and treated as any other Sickness

Covered and treated as any other Sickness

Covered and treated as any other Sickness

Emergency Medical Evacuation



Up to the maximum limit

Political Evacuation and Repatriation

$100,000 maximum limit

$100,000 maximum limit

$100,000 maximum limit

Emergency Reunion

$100,000 maximum limit

$100,000 maximum limit

$100,000 maximum limit

Identity Theft

$500 maximum limit

$500 maximum limit

$500 maximum limit

Lost Luggage

$500 maximum limit, $50 per item

$500 maximum limit, $50 per item

$500 maximum limit, $50 per item

Personal Liability

$25,000 combined maximum limit

$25,000 combined maximum limit

$25,000 combined maximum limit

Return Travel

$10,000 maximum limit

$10,000 maximum limit

$10,000 maximum limit

24-Hour Accidental Death and Dismemberment

$50,000 principal sum

$50,000 principal sum

$50,000 principal sum

5. Understanding medical evacuation and repatriation insurance cost

If you're considering purchasing medical evacuation and repatriation insurance, obtaining a personalized quote is an essential step in the process. The cost of medical evacuation and repatriation insurance can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the duration of coverage, destination country, and the student's age and health condition. Generally, the cost is relatively affordable compared to the potential out-of-pocket expenses for emergency medical services abroad. Investing in a policy is a wise decision for safeguarding against unforeseen medical emergencies.

The cost of medical evacuation and repatriation insurance can vary depending on the policy.

The cost of medical evacuation and repatriation insurance can vary depending on the policy.

By visiting our website, you can easily obtain a quote tailored to your unique travel needs and personal circumstances. Simply input your trip details, personal information, and any specific requirements you might have, and our system will recommend the most suitable plan for you. Once you've selected a plan, you'll receive a detailed quote, giving you a clear understanding of the costs involved. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, our dedicated consultant team is always ready to provide guidance, answer your queries, and help customize your insurance package to ensure it fits your needs perfectly. This streamlined process ensures that you can secure the necessary coverage with confidence and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on the exciting aspects of your travel or study abroad experience.

6. Conclusion

Having medical evacuation and repatriation insurance for international students is not just a requirement for many educational institutions; it's a crucial aspect of ensuring their safety and well-being abroad. By choosing the right insurance plan, students can protect themselves from the high costs of emergency medical care and repatriation, allowing them to focus on their studies and enjoy their international educational experience with peace of mind.