
Travel Insurance for A Year Abroad - An Extensive Solution for Business Travelers

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Nov 10, 2023 (UTC +04:00)

Taking a year-long business trip abroad can be a captivating chance for professional growth and international networking for you. Besides enjoying the excitement of the great opportunity, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being while working abroad. This is the reason why you need to equip travel insurance for a year abroad tailored specifically for business travelers. Let's explore travel insurance, ensuring you are well-prepared for your extended business journey.

Travel insurance is a safety net for you for a year abroad.

Travel insurance is a safety net for you for a year abroad.

1. What is the travel insurance for a year abroad?

Travel insurance one year abroad is a type of insurance policy designed to provide coverage and protection to individuals who plan to spend an extended period, typically up to one year, traveling or living abroad. This insurance is particularly useful for employees working abroad , students studying abroad, expatriates, digital nomads, or anyone traveling on a long-term journey away from their home country.

Travel insurance for a year abroad is important for all types of travelers.

Travel insurance for a year abroad is important for all types of travelers.

2. Comprehensive guide for you to find the best travel insurance for a year abroad

Planning for a year abroad is an exciting endeavor, filled with the anticipation of new experiences and adventures. However, the essential component of your preparations should be securing the right travel insurance for an entire year abroad. Therefore, Travelner will accompany you through the steps to discover the best travel insurance for living abroad for a year tailored to your extended journey.

Exploring the simple step to approach the best travel insurance for living abroad for a year.

Exploring the simple step to approach the best travel insurance for living abroad for a year.

2.1. Steps to choosing the tailored travel insurance one year abroad:

The right tailored travel insurance for a year abroad provides you peace of mind and financial security, so invest the time and effort to make an informed decision based on your unique needs and circumstances.

a. Access your needs: Start by evaluating your specific requirements for travel insurance during your year abroad. Therefore, you need to consider factors that relate to your personal information such as your destination, duration of stay, planned activities, and personal health.

b. Understand policy types: Familiarize yourself with the various types of travel insurance policies available, especially when choosing a long-term travel insurance policy that offers comprehensive coverage for the entire duration of your stay. The three main types are:

  • Single Trip Insurance: Suitable for one-time or short-term travel.
  • Annual/Multi-Trip Insurance: Ideal if you plan to travel frequently within a year.
  • Long-Term Travel Insurance: Tailored for extended stays abroad, such as a year abroad.

c. Explore additional benefits: Beyond basic coverage, explore additional benefits that may be valuable during your year abroad. Common additional benefits include:

  • Medical Evacuation and Repatriation: In case of serious illness or injury.
  • Trip Cancellation/Interruption: To cover unexpected disruptions.
  • Baggage and Personal Item Coverage: Protection for lost or stolen belongings.
  • Emergency Assistance Services: Access to 24/7 support for emergencies.
  • Coverage for Personal Liability: In case you are responsible for damage or injury to others.

Tailor these additional benefits to your specific needs and circumstances. For instance, if you plan to engage in adventure sports, ensure that your policy covers related injuries.

Invest in additional benefits of your travel insurance to receive more coverage.

Invest in additional benefits of your travel insurance to receive more coverage.

d. Evaluate cost: While cost is a significant factor, it should not be the sole deciding factor when choosing travel insurance. Consider the following cost-related aspects

  • Premiums: Compare the premiums of different insurance providers, but don't sacrifice coverage for a lower price.
  • Deductibles: Understand how deductibles work and choose a level that fits your budget.
  • Coverage Limits: Ensure that coverage limits are sufficient for your needs. Don't underestimate medical expenses in your destination country.

Moreover, remember that the cheapest policy may not provide the necessary coverage for your unique situation. Balance cost with coverage to find the best value for your year abroad.

2.2. The best travel insurance for working abroad for a year:

One of the foremost concerns when taking a business trip abroad for a long-term period is the safety of your property and physical health. We understand that adjusting to a new environment, diet, and lifestyle can make you vulnerable to various health issues. Furthermore, unforeseen travel disruptions can throw a wrench into your plans. Flights can be delayed or canceled, and unexpected events such as natural disasters or political unrest can impact your ability to work and live abroad. 

In such instances, having the right insurance of Travelner that the coverage can be a saving grace, providing financial assistance and support to help you navigate these challenges while working abroad.

Travelner provides you a tailored travel insurance for working abroad for a year.

Travelner provides you a tailored travel insurance for working abroad for a year.

The travel insurance for working abroad for a year of Travelner offer you a wide range extentions that up to 24 months for the basic plan and 36 months for the platinum plan. Let’s compare some features between these plans with us:


Patriot International
Lite Plan

Patriot International
Platinum Plan


Up to 24 continuous months 

Up to 36 continuous months

Maximum Limits

Up to $1 million

Up to $8 million


$0 to $2,500

$0 to $25,000


100% up to the maximum limit

100% up to the maximum limits

Therefore, in order to fully enjoy the benefits of working abroad while minimizing potential risks, it is crucial for you to invest in comprehensive travel insurance tailored specifically for extended work stays overseas.

Comprehensive travel insurance one year abroad provides full enjoyment for your journey.

Comprehensive travel insurance one year abroad provides full enjoyment for your journey.


The experiences and lessons you gain during the time working abroad can shape you into a more adaptable, culturally aware, and globally-minded individual. Nevertheless, working abroad is not without its share of obstacles, and you need careful consideration and preparation for your journey by investing in travel insurance from Travelner. This meaningful action helps you focus on enjoying the incredible opportunities that await you while ensuring your well-being and security throughout your journey.

Read more: What You Need to Know about Wedding Travel Insurance Abroad