
Is travel health insurance worth it?

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Mar 19, 2024 (UTC +04:00)

If you're considering purchasing travel insurance for your international journey but unsure about which type to choose, let Travelner Insurance be your guide. In this article, you can learn about what travel health insurance covers and understand the differences between travel medical and travel health insurance for a well-informed decision on securing your travel protection. 

Is travel health insurance worth it?

Is travel health insurance worth it?

1. What is travel health insurance? 

Travel health insurance is a specialized insurance product designed to provide coverage for medical & health expenses that may occur while you are traveling abroad. Unlike regular health insurance that primarily covers medical costs within your home country, travel health insurance extends its protection to international travel, offering peace of mind in case of unexpected health issues during your trip.

2. What does travel health insurance cover? 

Travel health insurance typically covers a range of medical & health expenses that can arise while you are traveling. Here’re some common coverage offered by travel health insurance: 

Medical emergencies

This includes hospital stays, surgeries, and doctor visits necessitated by sudden illnesses or accidents.

Evacuation and repatriation

In the event of a serious illness or injury, travel health insurance may cover the costs associated with evacuation to the nearest adequate medical facility or repatriation to your home country.

Trip cancellations or interruptions

Some policies provide coverage for non-refundable expenses if your trip is canceled or cut short due to covered reasons such as illness, injury, or unforeseen circumstances.

Lost or delayed baggage

Travel health insurance may offer reimbursement for the replacement of essential items if your baggage is lost or significantly delayed during transit.

Inpatient care

Travel health insurance often covers expenses related to hospitalization, including room charges, nursing care, and other inpatient services.

Outpatient care

Certain travel health insurance plans may cover outpatient medical care, consultations, and prescription medications

Pre-existing conditions coverage

Depending on the policy, travel health insurance may offer coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, providing necessary medical care related to existing health issues during your trip.

3. Travel medical insurance & travel health insurance: What you should choose? 

Have you ever heard of “travel medical insurance” and “travel health insurance”? You know they're essential for international trips, but you may be unsure which type to choose. In this section, let Travelner Insurance be your guide. We'll help you understand the difference between these two types of insurance, assisting you in choosing the right insurance for your next trip.

3.1 The difference between travel medical insurance & travel health insurance 

While both types of insurance are designed to provide global coverage for your international trip, they have distinct focuses tailored to specific needs.

  • Travel medical insurance focuses on coverage for emergency medical expenses incurred during a trip. This includes hospitalization, surgeries, and doctor visits arising from sudden illnesses or accidents. 
  • Travel health insurance, on the other hand, offers not only emergency medical expenses but also various other health-related costs. This may include routine visits to health centers, preventive care, and mental and nervous health support. In addition, some travel health insurance plans also extend coverage to maternity-related expenses.

Some travel health insurance plans also extend coverage to maternity-related expenses

Some travel health insurance plans also extend coverage to maternity-related expenses

3.2 Is travel medical insurance worth it?

Certainly, travel medical insurance is highly worthwhile, particularly for international trips. This type of insurance is ideal for individuals who prioritize coverage for unforeseen medical situations that may occur while traveling. If you have an upcoming trip to a foreign country, opting for travel medical insurance ensures you can travel with confidence, free from concerns about potentially high medical costs that may arise during your journey.

3.3 Is travel health insurance worth it? 

For individuals residing or working in a foreign country for an extended period, travel health insurance is absolutely worth considering. It offers coverage not only for emergency medical expenses but also for a broader range of health-related costs. Whether you're an immigrant, international student, or a business professional working abroad, having travel health insurance provides peace of mind regarding potential healthcare costs.

Having travel health insurance provides peace of mind during your journey

Having travel health insurance provides peace of mind during your journey

4. Explore “Student Health Advantage” Plan - International health insurance for students studying abroad

One of travel health insurance plans offered by Travelner Insurance is the "Student Health Advantage ''. This international health insurance plan provides comprehensive coverage to ensure that students can focus on their education without the added worry of unforeseen health-related expenses.

Here’re the key features of the "Student Health Advantage" Plan:


Student Health AdvantageSM

Student Health AdvantageSM Platinum


Maximum Limit

Student: $500,000; Dependent: $100,000

Student: $1,000,000 & Dependent: $100,000

Medical Expenses

In-Network: 90%

Out-of-Network: 80%

International: 100%

In-Network: 90%

Out-of-Network: 80%

International: 100%

Covid-19 Medical Expenses

Covered and treated as any other Sickness

Covered and treated as any other Sickness

Emergency Medical Evacuation

$500,000 maximum limit

$500,000 maximum limit

Emergency Reunion

$50,000 maximum limit

$50,000 maximum limit

Student Health Center

Copayment per visit: $5

Copayment per visit: $5

Mental/ nervous

Maximum Limit: $10,000

Maximum Limit: $10,000

Intercollegiate/Interscholastic/Intramural or Club Sports

Period of Coverage Limit per illness or injury: $5,000

Period of Coverage Limit per illness or injury: $5,000



Maximum Limit: $5,000

Personal Liability

Combined Maximum Limit: $10,000

Combined Maximum Limit: $10,000

Incidental Trip

Maximum 14days


In-Network: 90%

Out-of-Network: 80%

International: 100%

Maximum 14days


In-Network: 90%

Out-of-Network: 80%

International: 100%

24-Hour Accidental Death and Dismemberment

US$ 25,000

US$ 25,000

If you want to explore the details of the "Student Health Advantage" plan or get a quote, visit our website. Our online platform not only lets you obtain a quote for this travel health insurance plan but also offers the chance to explore alternative plans customized to your specific trip needs.

5. How much is travel health insurance?

The cost of travel health insurance can vary widely depending on several factors. Key considerations that influence the price of travel health insurance include:

  • Coverage Type: The extent of coverage you choose, ranging from basic medical coverage to comprehensive plans that include emergency medical, trip cancellation, and other benefits, affects the cost.
  • Trip Duration: The length of your trip plays a significant role in determining the cost. Longer trips generally result in higher premiums.
  • Travel Destination: The destination you are traveling to can impact the cost, as healthcare costs and travel risks vary by location.

The destination you are traveling to can impact the cost

The destination you are traveling to can impact the cost

  • Age of Traveler: The age of the insured individual is a factor, with older travelers often facing higher premiums due to increased health risks.
  • Health Condition: Pre-existing health conditions may affect the cost of coverage. Some plans may charge higher premiums or exclude coverage for specific conditions.
  • Deductible and Coverage Limits: Choosing a higher deductible or opting for lower coverage limits can influence the overall cost of the insurance.
  • Insurance Provider: Different insurance providers may offer varying rates for similar coverage, so it's essential to compare quotes from multiple sources.
  • Additional Coverage: Additional coverage options, such as coverage for high-value items, adventure sports, or rental car protection, can contribute to the overall cost.

6. How to Buy Travel Health Insurance? 

Purchasing travel health insurance is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to purchase travel health insurance from Travelner Insurance:

  • Step 1: Visit the Travelner Insurance website
  • Step 2: Utilize the online quoting tool provided on the website. Enter essential details such as trip duration, destination, age, and any specific coverage requirements. The tool will suggest suitable plans and generate an estimated premium based on your input.
  • Step 3: Browse through the range of travel health insurance plans offered by Travelner Insurance. Each plan is designed to cater to different needs, so carefully review the coverage details, benefits, and pricing.
  • Step 4: Tailor your coverage according to your specific needs. Depending on the plan, you may have the option to customize aspects such as coverage limits, deductible amounts, and additional features.
  • Step 5: Once satisfied with your selected plan and coverage options, proceed to the online application. Fill in the required personal information, trip details, and any other necessary data.
  • Step 6: Submit the required payment information to finalize the purchase

Buy travel health insurance is the simple process with Travelner Insurance

Buy travel health insurance is the simple process with Travelner Insurance

Upon successful payment, you will receive a confirmation of your travel health insurance purchase. Additionally, Travelner Insurance will provide you with documentation outlining the details of your coverage, contact information, and emergency assistance procedures. 

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, travel health insurance is important for international trips, providing peace of mind in unforeseen circumstances. So, let's get the right plan for your next trip. If you have any questions, need further assistance, or wish to explore the range of insurance plans available, do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support. Our dedicated team at Travelner Insurance is here to guide you through the process, ensuring that your travel health insurance is suitable with your unique travel needs!